Our next Derby will be August 8, 9, & 10, 2025 – See you out on the water!
New Location!
Auke Bay’s New Location – Auke Nu Cove
(Near The Ferry Terminal)

Click Map to Enlarge
The Golden North Salmon Derby is a fun filled summer fishing event that began in 1947. People from all walks of life in the community participate.
Families, people (young and the young-at-heart) that love to fish, and even some who don’t but want to support the purpose of the Derby spend the week-end in pursuit of Kings and Cohos.
Compete the prizes generously donated by local businesses and individuals. Those that turn in fish that are not competing for the top “weightiest” fish receive thank you prizes in appreciation for providing these fish to sell for scholarships for Juneau’s young people.
The proceeds from the sale of these fish minus the expenses of cleaning and handling are given to the Territorial Sportsmen Scholarship Foundation.
Derby Tickets
Derby Tickets will be $50 for adults and $10 for kids ages 6-12 years old. You can purchase them through our online store (coming soon!), or at these Vendors.
Territorial Sportsmen Scholarship Foundation
Since 1953 the Territorial Sportsmen Scholarship Foundation has awarded 337 scholarships totaling over 2 million dollars to deserving young people. Four year scholarships for graduating High School seniors are available as well as scholarships for graduate study. Scholarships for vocational training are also available. Please join us in investing in our young people!
2024 Awards Night
Thursday, August 15, 2024 at the Juneau Moose Lodge 700, 8335 Airport Blvd, Juneau.
- Remarks from Derby Chair
- Hecla/Coeur High Five Award
- Bullwinkles Scholarship
- Top Weighed Fish Awards
Winners or designated representatives must attend awards night, and must present their entry and weigh-in ticket stubs in order to claim their prizes. TSI asks that only winners or their designated representatives attend the event.
The official list of all prize winners will be available here on Wednesday, August 16th. Special social distancing protocols will also be announced on the website and Facebook prior to the Awards Night. Winners of the Scholarship Fund and Special prizes must show their scholarship fish ticket to claim their prize from Territorial Sportsmen, Inc. on awards night.
The Top 50 Prizes! (plus #78)

The first 50 contestants catching the largest salmon will have their choice of any one of the prizes except that first prize goes to the largest fish and prize number 78 is reserved for the person catching the 78th top weight.
With the exception of the 1st and 78th place prizes, the 2nd place finisher gets his or her choice of remaining prizes, then the 3rd place winner and so forth, until all prizes are claimed.
Only one of the top 50 prizes will be awarded to each contestant. In case of a tie, the earliest entered weighed fish will receive the highest standing. If winners or their designated representative are not present on awards night to claim prizes, unclaimed prizes will revert to the derby committee.

Thank you to Toyota the Official sponsor
of the 78th Golden North Salmon Derby!

Alaska Humpback Whale Viewing Regulations
*Applies to ALL vessels and crafts

- Do not approach within 100 yards of a humpback whale
- Do not place your vessel in the path of oncoming humpback whales, causing them to surface within 100 yards of your vessel
- Do not disrupt the normal behavior or prior activity of a whale
- Operate your vessel at a slow, safe speed when near whales